Bayonne Bridge Staten Island Loop

~29.44 miles including Staten Island Ferry and Liberty Landing Ferry.


We started the day biking to breakfast and checking out the new foot bridge into Liberty State Park.  The bridge was destroyed by Sandy, but like the motto goes, “We’re stronger than the storm!”


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Much of the bike path at Liberty state park is open, but there is still construction happening in places that were hit pretty hard by the storm.  The Statue of Liberty Ferry docks, old train building and surrounding areas are still under construction.  The inland bike paths are good.   As we rode, we decided to check out the path to the bird sanctuary and Port Liberte.  The ride to the bird sanctuary and through the golf course was without trouble, but the rest of the path along the water to Port Liberte was closed.  We managed to make our way there using some alternative routes and got ourselves some water at the wine and deli shop in Port Liberte.  The restaurant on the water was seriously damaged and it is currently boarded up.  It looks like it may not return.

As we had our water, we decided it was time to check out the Bayonne Bridge.  There is a walking path.





We arrived in Staten Island and found our way to the Staten Island Ferry.  With a little help, we made it to the bike holding pen where our bikes and bags were sniffed by a very cute dog.


From the ferry, we took in the view of the US Coast Guard on patrol along the ferry route as we passed the Statue of Liberty.


We took the usual ride to the Liberty Landing Ferry back to Jersey City, where we stopped to have all you can eat mussels at a neighborhood bistro.  As Mike puts it, “All you can eat mussels, defeated!”


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