Teardrop Memorial
May 18, 2014 | 22.61 miles | 3hrs, 17mins
It was finally a nice sunny day. Spring was truly in the air and we were ready for a bike ride. The plan was to ride to the Teardrop Memorial in Bayone, NJ. We did the ride last year and really enjoyed how beautiful and calm it was at the memorial. This year, we will walk with the camera and take some more pictures. We turned on Cyclemeter and were off.
We followed some Google biking directions so see our alternatives. It took us onto what seemed to be the 440 highway, but really had plenty of shoulder to make our ride faster than the local route.

The memorial is at the Bayonne cruise port and as luck would have it, Royal Caribbean, Explorer of the Seas was docked. Skateboarders zipped around the teardrop. One skateboarder sported a top knot, which we’ve been noticing more lately.
The water was calm. You could see the sailboats off in the distance in front of New York City, and the Statue of Liberty in front of the Empire State Building and lower Manhattan. You could see Staten Island, the Ferry Terminal, a little Lighthouse and the Verrazano Bridge out on the Harbor.
After leaving the memorial, we rode to the mall and followed the path out along the golf course. Few people were playing golf, which seemed a waste of pristine green grass. Along the public path, there were folks fishing, couples walking their dogs, and others simply enjoying the sunny day. At the end of the path we sat and watch the water. A golf cart appeared from the open gates of the heliport with golfers who were promptly deposited to the waiting golf ferry, which then took off.
The ride back was relaxing. We took the local route and our time getting home.
July 4, 2013: Bayonne, NJ – To Struggle Against World Terrorism